Saturday 5 November 2022

Session 5 (100 xp)

PCs: Flynn, Tuarninn, Udo, Ulrich

MR 673 - Sarimiere

The PCs are summoned to the presence of Watch Captain Andrea Pfeffer. The woman explains to them the basics of their penance and introduces them to Watch Sergeant Rudi Klumpenklug. The veteran sergeant will be in charge of them during their tenure as watchmen.

Rudi is an easegoing man, and reassures the PCs that, aas long as they keep their head down, their time in the Watch will be without dangers. It is soon clear that Rudi has his own agenda, and has no interest at all in the protection of Ubersreik's citizens. He drops heavy hints of "side" earnings that sound a lot like extortions. He also makes it clear to the new rectruits that they have to report to him directly, and never disturb the Captain herself, who has more important things to take care about.

In the afternoon the PCs go back to the Marktplatz, to help out several merchants who have suffered damages from the recent riot. Tuarninn takes the opportunity to visit Heske Glazer.

During the night, the PCs visit Morr's Field, the town's graveyard. There they meet  Father Schadrach Bürke, the ranking priest of Morr. The man has been having trouble with grave robbers, and asks for the PCs' help. The party is eager to accept, and they spend the night in the graveyard. After a few rounds of the premises, they chance upon a ravenous band of ghouls. The PCs destroy the hungry creatures.

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