Sunday 6 November 2022

Rudi Klumpenklug – Watch Sergeant (dead)

A grizzled old stump in his late 50s with a scruffy grey beard that frequently splits into a big grin showing wide yellow teeth, Klumpenklug is a master at dissembling behaviour, leading others to think of him as harmless and avuncular. But, in reality, he’s a cunning bastard with zero morals.

Klumpenklug was a firm supporter of the von Jungfreuds for many years, doing their dirty work and looking after their interests, but was always careful to keep his sympathies quiet.

The moment he saw the political winds turning, he was one of the first to denounce the Jungfreuds, calling them cheats and scoundrels. He assisted the Duke's men in rooting out loyalists, which he was exceedingly good at — unsurprising really, as he knew most of them personally.

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