Friday 7 October 2022

Session 2 (100 xp)

Flynn, Tuarninn, Udo, Ulrich 

MR 673 - Sarimiere

The PCs descend into the cellar, where they find a slab of stone in the floor that can be removed. When they do so, they gain access to an hidden room below the cellar, some sort of vast chamber illuminated by a greenish light. The light comes from a strange statuette of green stone that seems to flow and move when observed. Inside the room, Otto, Hans, and Fagor are performing a ritual, while surrounded by the several bodies, some unconscious (including our friend Udo), some already corpses.

Before more innocents are slain, the PCs charge in, surprising their opponents and rapidly dispatching them. But when Tuarninn decides to destroy the weird statue, something horrifying emerges from its broken pieces: a shapeless ball of undulating pink and blue magic with shifting screaming faces pushing from its rubbery hide as claws slash and scintillating sparks of colour steam in its wake. A demon!

Tuarninn is heavily wounded and retreats, while Ulrich slashes at the creature, cleaving it in two... literally. The demon splits into two smaller Blue Horrors, who immediately attack the party. Luckily these smaller creature are not as terrifying, and the PCs defeat them easily.

The party helps the survivors out of the shrine, and back into the tavern. When the sun comes up, four road wardens arrive at the inn, and they're appraised of the situation. They suggest that everyone abandons the inn, which may still be infested by chaotic influences. The PCs and the survivors gather their few things, and begin making their way to the city of Ubersreik, leaving the madness behind.

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