Friday 14 October 2022

Session 3 (100 xp)

Flynn, Tuarninn, Udo, Ulrich 

MR 673 - Sarimiere

The party arrives in Ubersreik, where they're met with guards at the gates, requesting a toll. They exchange a few words with the guards, learning of the bad blood between the Altdorf soldiers sent by the Emperor to take control of the city, and those still loyal to the former duke.

The PCs go the the Marktplatz to buy some weapons and armor, and then they visit the Temple of Shallya, in order to petition for a healing miracle for Flynn's broken hip. After a generous donation and the promise of future assistance, High Priestess Marianne Altenblum agrees to heal the docker.

The party also  stop by the Temple of Verena, where they learn a bit more about the political situation of the city, and the gods of the Empire.

Ulrich decide to reconnect with his former comrades, and visits the Garrison. Things have changed since the troops from Altdorf took over, but the soldier manages to be re-instated in the ranks. He meets with Watch Sergeant Trudi Shreiber, who seems to have some additional "jobs" in mind for the young and attractive Ulrich.

The day closes with a visit to the Kat House, a dockside brothel managed by Frau Jalla Krump. Flynn is the only one that really enjoys the many delights the place has to offer.

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