Friday 30 September 2022

Session 1 (100 xp)

PCs: Flynn, Tuarninn, Udo, Ulrich 

MR 673 - Sarimiere

The party is travelling alongside the river Teufel, while a torrential rain impedes their progress. From a nearby forest, the howling of fearsome creatures can be heard. The party tries to quicken their pace, but are slowed by the muddy terrain. When a band of beastmen and shadowspawns comes charging out of the forest, they're forced to fight. They manage to defeat the creatures, but Flynn is heavily wounded.

In the distance, they spot the lights of a road-side inn, near to a ferry. They hurry to the place, but are confused to find the main gate closed. Going around the fence, they gain entrance from the ferry gate. When they reach the inn, they're (not really) welcomed by the innkeeper, an obese man named Otto. The man is not very happy to receive these late guests, but he lets them in.

Inside the inn the party meet with Fagor, a servant, and Hans, a roadwarden. Everyone looks and acts quite suspiciously, but all the party needs is something to eat, and a bed to let Flynn recover properly. They eat stew and drink beer, and then move to their room. Only Udo remains behind, wanting to help the innkeeper clean the muddy mess they made with their entrance. Too late they all realize that their meal has been poisoned with a powerful sleeping drug. 

Ulrich comes to his sense after one hour in, and he awakens Flynn and Tuarninn. There's no sign of Udo. The three decide to go look for him. They check the nearby stables, where Tuarninn spots a humanoid shape climbing the walls like a spider, before disappearing through a hole in the roof. Unwilling to risk falling off a wet roof, the party returns to the inn to inspect the kitchen. There they find a trapdoor leading to the cellar.

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