Saturday 14 January 2023

Session 10 (100 xp)

PCs: Flynn, Tuarninn, Udo, Ulrich

Flashback to a couple of weeks ago!

MR 673 - Talienir

Flynn faces Sir Pierre in honorable combat, his weapons of choice are his bare knuckles! The docker gives Sir Pierre a hard lesson, and almost kills him when he breaks the knight's ribs and punctures his lungs. Luckily, Pierre's squire has some luck while providing first aid, and saves the knight. The rest of the day is spent celebrating Flynn's victory at the Crooked Hammer, where he also wins a drinking contest. 

Back to our story!

Ulrich visits Holger Maurer in his cell. Even though something is definitely amiss with the man, Ulrich begins to think he may not be a chaos cultist. He still killed five men, though allegedly in self-defense. Udo visits the Temple of Shallya to make sure he didn't catch any disease while visiting the groves earlier in the morning. Tuarninn checks on Heske Glazer, and buys a glass talisman he hopes will help him against the forces of Chaos.

During the evening, our watchmen are making their rounds, when they are approached by Gart Funke of the Hog Pit. He asks for their help to get rid of a ghost (!) who is haunting his daughter Henrietta. The party ask a few questions to the damsel in distress. She knew the ghost in life, a halfling by the name of Benno Nusbaum, who accidentally fell into the Hog Pit when he displeased the Lowhaven criminal gang. The ghost told her to "bury them before the pigs eat them". The party plans to lower one of their own into the mud pit to look for whatever it is the ghost is talking about.

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