Friday 2 December 2022

The Temple of Neira's Sailing Song

The white walls of the Temple of Neira, Goddess of Mercy, soar skywards near the Temple of Lana. It is a high-ceilinged building with a wide dome, all built in a classical style. Inside, there is an open space for worship and tending the sick. A series of curtained alcoves lie along both sides of the temple, where those with more severe or less dignified afflictions are placed.

Upper levels are cloistered for the clergy and visiting priestesses from other temples. The inside of the dome is painted with a beautiful fresco of crying Neira swimming across the oceans, her tears falling as rain about a pod of dolphins.

Marianne Altenblum is the High Priestess, a matronly widow who joined the cult over a decade ago. She has a bottomless well of empathy, but no tolerance for flippancy or timewasters. She is assisted by a number of initiates and lay-members, who tend the sick and provide alms to the poor.

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