Friday 2 December 2022

Sisters’ Bakery

A modest, stone built building, Sister’s Bakery is tucked in between a leather shop and a milliner. It’s a single storey, noticeably shorter than the other buildings on its street, a fact in which the Halfling owners take great pride. Inside, there is a small area for serving customers, lined with shelves laden with bread and pies, with more delicate confections kept behind the counter. Most of the building’s deep footprint is taken up with the bakery itself, comprising a flour store, a preparation area, and two large ovens.

Om and Nom Tumbleberry, twin Halfling sisters, run the bakery. They are identical, and others find them very hard to differentiate. They have a tendency to finish each other’s sentences. They will happily interject into their customers’ conversations, no matter how sensitive the subject. Om specialises in fine confectionery, like her famous honey-cakes topped with spun-sugar fancies. Nom is more experimental, and has recently been aping various Altdorf recipes, such as her (immediately popular) lamprey pies.

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