Friday 2 December 2022

Session 8 (100 xp)

PCs: Flynn, Tuarninn, Udo, Ulrich

MR 673 - Talienir

The party delivers the troll's head to Rudi, who is both surprised and astonished by what they have accomplished. They have a short discussion about a heist in Dawihafen, but they decide that the risk is too high, and they drop the matter.

While strolling down the Docks District, they notice a man stirring up a small crowd in front of a wooden warehouse. The building is actually a chapel dedicated to the Grail, the main religion of Bretonnia. The man, Nils Scherzer, is trying to incite the gathered mob to set the building on fire, as it has no place among faithful servants of the Empire. The PCs intervene, and send the man running. They're thanked by old Hugo, a former Bretonnian knight currently taking care of the chapel. Hugo gives them the tour of the holy place.

Sir Pierre De l' Arbaque makes his appearance: a true knight of Bretonnia, he accuses old Hugo of ungentlemanly conduct during a tourney some thirty years back, and demands that he leaves the chapel, as he's not worthy of taking care of such an holy place. Once again, the PCs step in, and the situation rapidly escalates into a challenge of honor between Sir Pierre and Luc. The duel is set for the day after at dawn.

The PCs rest for the afternoon, before starting their night shift as watchmen. They visit the Boatmen's Guild, where they meet with Nixie Dunkelstange, a local smuggler. The woman enlists them to help her discharge a cargo of brandy arriving the same night, while avoiding Customs and taxes. Always the gentlemen (!), the PCs oblige, for a price. The operation goes quite smoothly, apart from a little issue with the payment of the cargo, which is rapidly resolved by a few well-placed threats. The party gets paid, and Ulrich receives a little "bonus" from Nixie herself.

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