Thursday 24 November 2022

Session 7 (100 xp)

PCs: Flynn, Tuarninn, Udo, Ulrich

MR 673 - Talienir

Everyday life catches up with the PCs, as old "friends" show up, together with a random collection of Taxes from the local authorities. Udo receives the visit of a former fellow servant, Suzanne Maeder, now fallen on hard times. He helps her find work in a butcher shop, and gives her a few coins to help her settle in. Ulrich receives a leg of ham from the man he saves from the fire, together with some advice: "beware of the road wardens".

While investigating the disappearances in Dunkelfeucht, Flynn comes upon Joseph Gage, a man he owes many to, who now is a thug for the Baron. The Baron doesn't want the Watch to interfere in her affairs, but the party convince Joseph and his gang to give them one night to solve the issue of the disappearances.

A thorough investigation of the rickety piers under the bridge reveal a boat ruined by claw marks. With the rest of the party focus on looking for clues, Tuarninn is the only one noticing the hulking shape of a troll rising from the filthy waters of the Teufel. A short battle ensues, where the party slaughters the troll, and claims its head as a trophy.

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