Friday 18 November 2022

Session 6 (100 xp)


: Flynn, Tuarninn, Ulrich

MR 673 - Talienir

The PCs begin their days as watchmen in earnest. During the next few weeks, they're confronted with a few troubling events, and with their watch-sergeant's corruption.

Petty Crimes & Dubious Fines. After catching a pickpocketing street urchin, Rudi fines the victim of the theft for "misplacing his purse".

Fire! The PCs come upon a fire, and heroically save a man still stuck inside the burning building. The man, by the name of Narbe Ditwin, seems quite shocked and confused, but promises to remember the brave watchmen that saved him.

Merchant Squeeze. The PCs support a gang of dockers bullying a merchant into paying them "docking fees". They take a cut of the payment, but also make sure the dockers help out the merchant with the handling of his cargo.

Without a Trace. The party is approached by Eugen Pechvogel, a boy from Dunkelfeucht, a shantytown which has grown in the shadow of Ubersreik's bridge. The boy claims to have lost his father, and he's convinced the man wouldn't just abandon his family. A preliminary investigation puts the PCs in contact with a few of the Baron's men, a local gang of thugs. They learn of several disappearances in the neighborhood, but the Baron's men are not keen in watchmen going around in their turf, and suggest the party leaves. In order to not anger the Baron, the PCs oblige, and the case remains unresolved.

A Secure Deal. While the party is off-duty at a tavern, a merchant, Kurlass Meingot, asks if he can buy them a round of drinks and discuss a ‘small matter’. He wants to hire them in order to recover a considerable amount of gold that he has invested in what he now thinks is a scam. The gold is currently kept in a vault beneath Dawihafen on the edge of the Khazalgirt, by a dwarf named Barlin Silverbeard. When the PCs bring this information to Rudi, the man recognizes the name of the dwarf, and warns the party to thread carefully.

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