Friday 31 March 2023

Session 16

PCs (lvl 4): Flynn, Tuarninn, Udo, Ulrich

MR 673 - Roelir

The PCs get out of the sewers into the courtyard of Afschaffenberg manor. The house guards and the Lady of the manor herself do not seem very amused by the event. A half-hearted attempt at deception from Udo does not really help the situation, and the party retires back to the sewers. They eventually come out of the Ratcatchers' Guild, where they can wash up a bit before retiring for the day.

The day after Ulrich is called to the office of Captain Pfeffer, where the captain of the Afschaffenberg Manor guards is awaiting. Ulrich provide a report of the night before, which seems to satisfy both captains. When the household guard has left, Pfeffer rewards Ulrich personally for his conduct. After Ulrich leaves, Udo delivers his own report to the Captain, making it clear he is motivated to become a good watchman.

Flynn returns to the Dockers' Arm to handle the issue with Little Willie and his troubles with the Lowhavens. He decides to get Little Willie out of sight, and hide him in the sewers while the party takes care of the Lowhaven in the near future. Hopefully he won't  have to be in the sewers for longer than a few days.

Prompted by Tuarninn, the party visits Morr's Fields to check on father Burke. As they arrive, they notice an unassuming man leaving. Not leaving anything to chance, the PCs stop the man, to ask him his motives. The man is very dismissive, and eventually leaves without giving away anything suspicious. When the PCs ask Burke the reason of the man's visit, he explains the man was very interest in the history of the city, especially related to its founding. Before leaving, the PCs ask for and receive a blessing from father Burke.

Rumors of more troubles in Dunkelfeucht are spreading, as the Baron's rise to power is unchallenged. The Watch still does not dare to enter that part of town, leaving the poor wretches eking a living under the bridge at the mercy of the Baron's tyranny.


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