Saturday 14 January 2023

Dockers’ Arms

This sprawling, timber and lathe tavern caters almost exclusively to the town’s stevedores and teamsters, who have a monopoly on the loading and unloading of all trade goods in Ubersreik. Without paying their fees, none of your cargo moves.

The Dockers’ Arms is effectively the Guildhouse for the Dockers’ Guild. It not only acts as a centre for all Docker activity, but is also owned and managed by the guildmaster: Wilhelm ‘Big Willi’ Docker. Big Willi is a giant of a man with arms bigger than most men’s thighs. The lower floor is given over to two tap rooms and a small kitchen. Upstairs is the Docker family living quarters, including a small kitchen, living space, and three bedrooms.

At any one time, several teams of Dockers will be drinking in the tavern, and many more will be working the wharves, warehouses, merchant houses, or streets, with some policing to ensure none load or unload without proper documentation.

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