Friday 2 December 2022

Watch Barracks

The Watch are responsible for keeping the peace and enforcing the law; however, the bulk of the old Watch members were recently dismissed due to suspicion they were loyal to the von Jungfreuds. So, much of the current Watch is made up of Altdorf soldiers who’ve been pressed into service, and who resent every minute of it. They have little interest in justice and swiftly resort to busting heads to keep order.

The Watch barracks include a number of offices, an array of holding cells, and basic quarters. The Watch regularly patrol the town in groups ranging from two to six, along with providing support to Geldfinger’s raids on smugglers. While their patrols should cover the entire town outside Black Rock, in practice they concentrate on wealthier areas, seldom venturing far into the Docks or the Dunkelfeucht.

Captain Andrea Pfeffer commands the Watch. Pfeffer’s a no-nonsense woman in her 20s with a distinctive mane of red hair. While she maintains a calm demeanour, the newly appointed Captain is concerned with the disruptions caused by the Altdorfers with whom she arrived. She is keen for the Burgomeister’s position to be consolidated, or a new noble family installed, the better to calm Ubersreik.

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