Friday 2 December 2022

Grail Chapel

The exterior of the Anuirean Grail Chapel is unassuming, a modest warehouse, typical of those in the district. Only the innocuous wooden inscriptions of fleur-de-lys along the eaves mark it as anything special. Within the walls, however, the building is sumptuous. Its walls and columns are intricately carved and beautifully painted, redolent with frescoes depicting legends of the Lady of the Lake (a knight  of Haelyn and saint of Anuirean tradition), and brave knights of Anuirean Lore.

The building was used as an internment camp decades ago. The Anuirean captives decorated the chapel. As a conciliatory gesture (and a long-lasting testament to the beauty and versatility of wooden buildings), the chapel has been maintained by the Carpenters’ Guild ever since.

Hugo is the only permanent resident, an ancient Anuirean with a white beard and kind eyes, whom local children are convinced was once a knight. Ex-pats and visiting Anuireans often visit, paying their respects to the Lady.

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