Sunday 7 July 2024


In the golden light of dawn, Ulrich reunites with his family. Embracing his wife and children, his parents, and his long-lost brother and sister, he feels a deep sense of relief and joy. Their bonds, once strained by war and separation, are now stronger than ever. As the city rejoices in newfound peace, Ulrich pledges his unwavering loyalty to its new leader. With honor and determination, he prepares to assume the mantle of Commander of the Army and Protector of the City, ready to defend their hard-won sanctuary.

Tuarninn, the steadfast protector of Ubersreik, gathers his loyal companions. Over countless battles and trials, they have become more than friends—they are a brotherhood. He reveals his plans to fortify his mercenary band, knowing that the city will need their strength in the turbulent times ahead. The Duke of Muden's retaliation looms on the horizon, and Tuarninn's resolve to stand firm is unshakable.

In the shadows of Black Rock, Udo embraces his clandestine role as the leader of the Hand. To operate effectively, he spreads rumors of his demise, choosing to work from the shadows where he can strike unseen. In the depths of the dungeons, he encounters a mysterious woman who entrusts him with a young boy named Wendelin, the heir of the Jungfreud family. With a heavy heart but firm resolve, Udo accepts the responsibility, vowing to protect the boy and ensure his rightful place in the world.

Flynn's coronation by Lady Nacht marks the dawn of a new era for the city, now named Lichtenstein. As King, he rewards his friends and the people who stood by him during the darkest times. Recognizing the importance of wisdom and experience in courtly matters, Flynn asks Lady Nacht to marry him. With grace and joy, she accepts, promising to stand by his side as they lead Lichtenstein into a prosperous future.

Peace finally blankets Lichtenstein, its people united and hopeful. The city begins to rebuild, brick by brick, heart by heart, under the vigilant eyes of its heroes. Their saga of valor and sacrifice has forged a brighter tomorrow, one where the shadows of the past are eclipsed by the light of hope and renewal.


Wednesday 3 July 2024

Session 42

PCs (lvl 10): Flynn, Tuarninn, Udo, Ulrich (with the assistance of Molly and Lady Nacht)

MR 674 - Summer 

The heroes confront Count Sigismund, now a nightmarish undead abomination, bolstered by the dark power of Orcus. Beside him stands his sinister retinue: his son, Sigismund II, their deadly assassin, and Sigmund, Ulrich's brother, all poised for a cataclysmic showdown.

Count Sigismund's necromantic might challenges the heroes to their limits, his malevolent aura nullifying Molly's healing spells. In a fierce duel, Ulrich vanquishes Sigismund II, but the assassin's ruthless blades claim Udo's life.

Ulrich's heartfelt plea shatters his brother's loyalty to the undead count, compelling Sigmund to join the heroes in their desperate battle. 

Tuarninn's fiery arrows rain destruction upon their foes, while Lady Nacht's potent battle magic weaves chaos among the enemy ranks. Flynn, drawing on the crown's divine power, moves with supernatural speed and agility. The assassin, a shadowy menace, finally falls under their relentless assault, allowing the heroes to converge on the Count.

With unyielding determination, they breach Sigismund's necromantic defenses. Ulrich delivers the decisive blow, his oath-empowered blade piercing the Count's rotten heart. A blinding flash of holy light consumes the undead abomination, eradicating his dark presence.

Molly rushes to Udo, her divine magic pulling him back from death's grasp. As Udo's eyes flutter open, he is greeted by the relieved faces of his comrades, united in their hard-won victory.


Thursday 20 June 2024

The Crown of Fortune


The Crown of Fortune

Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement by a scion of Brenna)

The Crown of Fortune is a magnificent piece of headgear crafted from the finest platinum and adorned with radiant orange gemstones. This crown symbolizes the divine blessing of the goddess of Commerce and Fortune, bestowing upon its wearer both prestige and prosperity.

While attuned to the Crown, you have the following traits.

Sielsheghlien Gems. Your Bloodline increases by 30

Barter's Boon. This ability allows the user to enhance the perceived value of an item they are offering in a trade or negotiation. The user can touch an item and imbue it with a temporary aura of desirability. For the next hour, the item appears more valuable and appealing to potential buyers or traders. This can be used once per day and lasts for an hour. The item's actual value does not change, but it appears more precious to others, increasing its trade value by 100%.

Merchant's Insight. This ability grants the user the power to assess the true value of an item, revealing its market value, hidden qualities, and any enchantments. By concentrating on an item for one minute, the user can discern its true worth and any hidden properties it might possess. This includes detecting magical enchantments, historical significance, or any flaws. This can be used three times per day and provides accurate and detailed information about the item.

Fortune's Favor.This ability allows the user to invoke a blessing that improves the outcome of financial endeavors, such as gambling, investments, or sales. The user can invoke Fortune's Favor to gain advantage on any skill check or saving throw related to financial transactions, such as Persuasion, Insight, or even a game of chance. This can be used once per long rest and lasts for one hour. During this time, the user can choose to roll two d20s and take the higher result for any applicable roll.

Ledger of Balance. This ability provides the user with a mystical ledger that tracks all debts and credits, ensuring fair and balanced transactions. The user can summon a spectral ledger that automatically records all exchanges and agreements made within its presence. This ledger cannot be altered or tampered with, ensuring that all parties involved honor the terms of their agreements. This ledger can be summoned once per day and remains for 24 hours. It can be consulted to resolve disputes or clarify the terms of a deal.

Worn by Flynn

Session 41

 PCs (lvl 10): Flynn, Tuarninn, Udo (with the assistance of Molly, Akim, and Lady Nacht)

MR 674 - Summer 

From the undead-infested waters of the Teufel, the Heroes emerge, but Ulrich is nowhere to be found. With time running out, and trusting in Ulrich's ability to swim like a fish, thanks to his enchanted sword, they press on towards Black Rock Citadel without the warrior.

Battling through waves of undead and enemy troops, chaos and death engulf the streets around them. Arriving at the gates of Black Rock, they find them barred, palace guards loosing crossbow bolts at the desperate crowd. The Heroes, appealing to the honor still burning in some of the soldiers, convince them to open the gates and let the people in.

Once inside, the Heroes race to the castle, where they are met by General Von Dabernick, his elite knights, and the enigmatic Lady Nacht. Accusing the Heroes of treachery and demanding the cat statuette, the General's rage sparks an inevitable confrontation. Lady Nacht, defying the General, sides with the Heroes. In the ensuing clash, the General is defeated, his life spared by the Heroes' mercy.

With urgency, the Heroes proceed to the throne room, placing the cat statuette on the throne. It reveals a hidden passage leading deep into the castle's dungeons. As they descend, they realize they are entering a realm not purely of this world.

Through a series of chambers, they face spiritual trials posed by manifestations of the goddesses of Fortune, both ancient Brenna and crafty Sera. Passing each test, they gain access to the final chamber. There, they behold the Crown of Fortune, imbued with the essence of the fallen goddess Brenna. One of the six Crowns of Dominion, each tied to an ancient bloodline, this crown grants the divine right to rule over all nations of Brechtur.

Yet there is no time to contemplate their newfound power, for a dark figure looms at the chamber's entrance. Count Sigismund, now an undead abomination, hurls a battered Ulrich into the room. He then challenges the Heroes for the Crown. The final battle for the fate of Ubersreik is about to begin!

Thursday 2 May 2024

Session 40

PCs (lvl 9): Flynn, Tuarninn, Udo, Ulrich

MR 674 - Summer 

The conflict for control of Ubersreik rages on amidst its cobblestone streets. Despite the relentless onslaught of Count Sigismund's forces, the valiant Heroes continue to secure victories. With the defeat or defection of four out of five mercenary captains, significant headway has been made towards liberating the besieged city.

However, a shadow looms over their progress as the protection offered by the enigmatic Crow Witch begins to falter, unleashing a tide of undead horrors upon Ubersreik's thoroughfares. Amidst this chaos, a bold move is made by Count Sigismund, who challenges the Heroes to a decisive confrontation at Teubrucke Bridge over the river Teufel. Without hesitation, the Heroes accept.

Arriving at the bridge, they are met not only by Count Sigismund and his son but also by a monstrous undead abomination and a deadly assassin. As the battle erupts, the Knight of Ubersreik, a formidable adversary, presents himself as the final obstacle standing between the Heroes and victory. Tuarnin greets him by killing his warhorse with a single arrow.

Fierce combat ensues, with the Count and his abomination wreaking havoc upon the Heroes. Amidst the chaos, Ulrich focuses his efforts on the mysterious knight, uncovering a shocking truth — the knight is none other than his estranged brother, Sigmund. Despite managing to incapacitate the knight, the Heroes find themselves overwhelmed by their adversaries.

In a daring gambit, Udo sacrifices himself, hurtling both himself and the Count off the bridge into the swirling waters below. Witnessing this, the other Heroes follow suit, plunging into the depths. Meanwhile, beneath the surface, Udo and Flynn confront the Count, delivering a punishing blow as hordes of undead rise from the riverbed.

In a final act of defiance, the Heroes retrieve the elusive cat statuette fragments from the Count's grasp, leaving him to the mercy of the encroaching undead. Emerging from the murky depths of the Teufel, they possess all three pieces of the coveted artifact. Yet, their victory is bittersweet, as Ubersreik remains besieged by enemy forces, now led by the Count's son, and the ever-growing threat of the undead.


Friday 5 April 2024

Session 39

PCs (lvl 9): Flynn, Tuarninn, Udo, Ulrich

MR 674 - Summer 

The party initially contemplates launching an assault on the enemy lines outside the city, yet unable to pinpoint the Count's exact location, they shift their focus inward to Ubersreik. Inside the city, they confront the formidable mercenary captain known as the Doomlord, considered the Count's most feared enforcer.

Assembling their forces, the party launches a determined attack on the Precinct. Despite the ferocity of the battle, they successfully breach the occupied barracks, drawing out the Doomlord himself for a climactic confrontation. Alongside the Doomlord stands Gertrud, the renowned archer, accompanied by her loyal winter wolves.

With the aid of Akim and Molly, the party prevails against their adversaries. Ulrich vanquishes the Doomlord in combat, while Gertrud, recognizing the party's strength, surrenders and offers the services of her mercenaries to their cause.

Thursday 14 March 2024

Session 38

PCs (lvl 9): Flynn, Tuarninn, Udo, Ulrich

MR 674 - Summer

Count Sigismund's army infiltrates the city through its labyrinthine sewers, launching a devastating assault via the river. As the conflict escalates, the battleground shifts from the fortified walls to the narrow streets of Ubersreik. General Von Dabernick and his forces are compelled to retreat to the stronghold of Blackrock.

Meanwhile, the Heroes establish their command center in the resilient Dwarven district, orchestrating the city's defense and resisting the invaders with cunning guerrilla tactics.

Within the city's confines, the mercenary captains loyal to the count entrench themselves in Morgenseite and the Precinct.

Seeking to sway one of these captains, the Heroes arrange a diplomatic parley with the mage Renier Talinie. However, their efforts spiral into violence, culminating in Ulrich's fatal strike against Renier, seizing his bloodline in the process. Empowered by this unexpected boon, the Heroes rally their forces and liberate the Precinct from enemy control.

Friday 8 March 2024

Session 37

PCs (lvl 9): Flynn, Tuarninn, Udo, Ulrich

MR 674 - Summer

Count Sigismund's armies encircle Ubersreik, his demand for surrender met with defiance. The following day, the Count's  artillery unleashes havoc upon the city, instilling fear for two relentless days before the full-scale assault commences.

At the northern gate, our heroes stand as the vanguard against the onslaught. Among the enemy ranks, Akim ibn Murad, one of five mercenary captains, spearheads the charge. Waves of soldiers, backed by armored knights and lethal archers, test their resilience.

As exhaustion grips the defenders, Molly joins the fray, wielding her healing magic to bolster their dwindling strength. Amidst the chaos, Flynn attempts to sway Akim from his path, appealing to his sense of justice against the tyrant Count Sigismund.

Driven by a personal vendetta against General Von Dabernick, Akim hesitates, torn between vengeance and his duty. Ultimately, Flynn's words resonate, prompting Akim to divert his assault and abandoning the assault to make his way through the city's labyrinthine streets.

Though the northern gate stands firm, reports of attacks emerging from the sewers and riverfront signal that the battle for Ubersreik's fate has only just ignited.

Monday 19 February 2024

The Five Mercenary Captains

The Knight of Ubersreik, Sigmund Schulz, Ulrich's brother

Akim ibn Murad (now an ally of the party)

The Doomlord (killed by Ulrich)

Renier Talinie (killed by Ulrich)

Gertrud Yrsadottr (defeated, now a mercenary on the party's side)


Friday 16 February 2024

Session 36

PCs (lvl 9): Flynn, Tuarninn, Udo, Ulrich

MR 674 - Summer

Gathered within the war council's chamber, General Von Dabernick lays out his strategy for withstanding the impending siege. However, the party harbors doubts, knowing the enemy's insidious infiltration of the city's defenses. Skeptical of the efficacy of a prolonged siege, they propose a daring plan: infiltrate the enemy's camp and eliminate Count Sigismund, the mastermind behind the siege. The general's eagerness to comply raises suspicions among the party members—could he have ulterior motives?

Descending into the labyrinthine sewers beneath the city, the party encounters a macabre sight: a legion of corpses, remnants of undead minions who once lurked in the shadows. Tuarninn's keen insight reveals the handiwork of the Crow Witch, whose shadow magic likely neutralized the enemy's forces. Surveying the decrepit sewer entrances, they realize the vulnerabilities in their defenses.

Undeterred by the looming threat, the party ventures forth to negotiate with the mercenary captains serving under Count Sigismund. Their efforts, however, are met with resistance as they confront the brutish Doomlord, leader of the Vos contingent. Despite offering gold and alliances, their pleas fall upon deaf ears, leaving them no closer to their goal.

Amidst the enemy encampment, Udo engages in a delicate dance of deception, maintaining the facade of loyalty to Count Sigismund. As he exchanges words with the unsuspecting Count and his cohorts, the party watches from the shadows, plotting their next move.

Returning to Ubersreik, the party braces themselves for the impending siege, knowing that their fate—and that of the city—hangs in the balance. With tensions rising and treachery lurking around every corner, they steel themselves for the harrowing trials that lie ahead.